Privacy Policy

No Attorney-Client Relationship

Utilization of this website, including without limitation sending and/or receiving information, in no way establishes an attorney-client relationship. A written agreement is required to enter into an attorney-client relationship with Morehead Law, LLC. Morehead Law, LLC hereby notifies you of its lack of intent to form an attorney-client relationship without the aforementioned written agreement. You may communicate with Morehead Law, LLC by phone, e-mail, mail, and/or fax, but such communication does not create an attorney-client relationship. No such relationship exists unless a written representation agreement is executed.

Transmission of Confidential Information

Information sent or received through this website is not considered confidential. While we certainly encourage you to contact us by phone, email, or mail before a written representation agreement has been executed, please do not include any information which may be deemed confidential and/or sensitive. Such information includes, without information: specific case details, case parties, sensitive financial information, and/or potential witnesses. While we may inquire about these details to perform an appropriate conflicts check, it is important that such information is only revealed after specifically requested.


The content contained on this site contains legal information but is in no way intended to contain specific legal advice to any one person. Any content contained on this site, including articles, links to third-party websites, and photographs are intended for the purpose of informing readers of the services rendered at Morehead Law, LLC. Should you require any information relating to specific legal issues, please reach out to Morehead Law, LLC for a consult so we may properly assist you. No person should take action on the basis of any content on this site without seeking appropriate legal consultation.

South Carolina Jurisdiction

All information contained on this site is specific to the State of South Carolina, unless otherwise stated, but is not intended to be pro bono legal advice to South Carolina residents. Morehead Law, LLC makes no representation as to the veracity and/or applicability of any content on this site as it relates to other jurisdictions. Morehead Law, LLC, through the use of this site, does not intend to form an attorney-client relationship with any person residing in a jurisdiction wherein this website may fail to meet ethical and legal guidelines. The publication of this website is neither intended to solicit any clients outside of the confines of the State of South Carolina nor intended to be the practice of law.